연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Korea-Australia Joint Symposium: Functional Macromolecules for Advanced Applications (English)
발표장 제8회장
논문코드 1L8-3
발표일 2021-10-21
발표시간 14:50-15:15
논문제목 Dendronised Polymers as a Delivery Platform
발표자 Cameron W. Evans
발표자 소속 The University of Western Australia
저자 Cameron W. Evans
소속 The University of Western Australia
논문초록 Dendronised polymers represent a highly uniform class of grafted macromolecules that are useful in a number of biological applications. The dendronised polymer architecture consists of a macromolecular backbone to which monodisperse, branched molecules (dendrons) are attached. We have prepared dendronised polymers with a high level of control, including the engineering of regular point defects within the dendron structure to investigate the effects of flexibility and charge distribution in the delivery of genetic cargo. I will discuss our work using these materials and describe their application to biological systems, including intracellular delivery of nucleic acids and proteins, single-cell sequencing, and as a highly tunable platform for preparing hydrogels.